
Yeah. So this is change

Just a short little post to test out the changes to the WordPress editor.

I’m trying out the new WordPress editor on a site that I hardly use so that if it messes up, it won’t annoy me.

What are these blocks WordPress speaks of? Sounds to me a lot like a word processor inside WordPress now. Something that makes it easy to add formats and sections to a document.

The truth is that my biggest gripe about WordPress has been the media library over the years, but it’s not even that bad anymore.

I can pretty much guarantee that as any product gains mass appeal (such as WordPress) the producers of said product begin the slow shift into making the product as easy for the masses to use as possible, most often at the expense of the people who found the product useful enough at the first to push the product until it gained that mass appeal.

On the other hand, that’s not always a bad thing. In general, I dislike change. I think this change is a mistake that’s going to drive away long form writers who blog and write in the WordPress editor. The new block editor is more for the people using WordPress as a content management system, not for bloggers and writers who use WordPress as an actual blog.

In the meantime, I do believe I’ll start looking around for alternative self-hosted blogging software. Sometimes I turn out to be right, and sometimes I don’t. But it won’t hurt to be prepared. :)
