Times change and so do I.
A love lost. How Amazon.com killed all the goodwill they had left.
New WordPress, new block editor test
All I want is the ability to drag and drop text between paragraphs as I edit. I know I can use CTRL+C and CTRL+V but I don’t want to have to do that. So here’s some test text. I tend to write in a burst and then drag stuff into place once I’m done. If […]
Trying the block editor
Every time WordPress updates I give the block editor another try to see if it has become something I can work with. My biggest problem with it is the basic lack of text editing for long form writing. Can I drag text around from paragraph to paragraph without having to use cut and paste? Doing […]
Yeah. So this is change
Just a short little post to test out the changes to the WordPress editor.
Reorganizing the Sites a Bit
I have a few (LOL) websites and I’ve been busy doing a bit of reorganizing. I think I’ve mentioned that I was a writer, then wasn’t, then was, then decided to go professional now that self-publishing has become an option. However, I had two sites on which I talked about self-publishing so I exported my […]
This post is really just something to hold this spot. ;)